Florida Man September 6

Florida Man September 6

Florida Man September 6 is another day, another adventure. From police arresting him for red-and-blue lights, to “fighting” with an animal in such a weird way, all is here. See below for the complete news:


Florida Man September 6, 2017 – Florida Man Using Red-and-blue Lights to Skip Gas Lines

On September 6, 2017, Police arrested a Florida man for using the red and blue lights to skip gas lines at a West Palm Beach gas station. With Hurricane Irma coming in, everyone was panicking, including Jon Newell Quinton (46).

Officers charged him for unlawful use of those lights. A judge later released him not long after from the County Jail.

Jon admitted that he turned on the lights to go through the traffic easily to reach the gas station. The day was so busy with people preparing for the coming hurricane.

After Police stopped him and asked about his identity, Jon said that he was a security officer but didn’t know about law enforcement. He stated that he did not realize that the lights were turned on.

Florida Man September 6, 2021 – Florida Man Involved in Shooting Incident, ‘Prompting 6-hour Rooftop Standoff with The Sheriff

DUNEDIN, Fla. –Officers arrested a man after shooting several people and engaging in a six-hour standoff with the deputies.

The incident started at night when the deputies attempted to arrest three suspicious men in Dunedin. As the deputies pulled up, they saw one man running from them while shooting his gun as he fled.

Fortunately, he did not injure anyone in this incident besides himself.

The 18-year-old Florida Man, Myles Abbott, somehow shot himself during the run, according to the officials.

Police later saw the man climbing to the rooftop and pointing a gun at the deputies who were trying to arrest him.

Police attempted several different methods to convince the man to come down. The SWAT negotiator, deputies, and even his sister couldn’t change his mind.

After six houses in confusion, the deputies then used their special equipment and bean bag rounds to neutralize the man.

The technique worked wonderfully, and police arrested the man with the gun immediately.

Florida Man September 6, 2021 – Florida Man Stole Alligator from Golf Course to “Teach Him A Lesson”

DAYTONA BEACH SHORES, Fla. — A Florida man tried to teach a lesson to an alligator from a golf course.

Again, the story is about Florida Man vs Animals. And the animal in the story is an alligator that was taken from the golf course. The suspect is a 32-year-old Florida man who stole the live alligator from the miniature golf course and put it on the roof of a bar.

The man took the alligator by the tail, as officials said, hit it, threw it, and stomped on it twice. Police took the suspect into custody and charged him with unarmed burglary, criminal mischief, theft, and injury of an alligator.

Final Thoughts

It’s a very dramatic day for Florida Man. September 6 is indeed a day full of energy, emotion, and on top of that, rage. Seeing from the first and the last stories, there’s one point we can always remember: selfishness won’t bring you anything good.

If you would like to hear more about Florida man make sure to check out some of our other posts. If you want to read about a certain date please leave the date in the comments below.

By John Toroff
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